3RAD libraries for Lithasia hubrichti were pooled together with libraries from other projects and were sequenced on an Illumina NovaSeq 6000 SP flow cell using paired end, 2 × 150 bp chemistry. Raw Illumina data were demultiplexed with the STACKS 2.61 program process_radtags (Rochette et...
in promoting neurite outgrowth and elongation during neuronal differentiation. This miRNA’s target genes and the mechanisms that execute this role remain unclear. In this study, we identified ROCK1, a small GTPase Rho kinase, as a direct target of ...
multisubunit, self-compartmentalizing, multicatalytic complexes called “proteasomes”. Proteasomal activity is essential to many cellular functions including DNA repair, cell cycle regulation, transcription
Wuyi Rock Tea (WRT) is cherished for its exceptional “rock flavor” and its quality shows obvious regional differences. However, the flavor characteristics of Primary Wuyi Rock Teas (PWRTs) from different production areas remain unclear. Here, the Camel