Welcome to EVO Rock + Fitness's climbing gym in Portland, Maine. We want our climbing community to feel at home, so come check out our evolution.
Building upon, strengthening, and evolving with climbers and the climbing community — VISIT US — address 65 Warren Ave, Portland, ME phone (207) 780-6370 online portland@evorock.com evorock.com/portland-me/hours Sunday: 10am-6pm Monday: 10am-9pm Tuesday: 10am-10pm (Members Only 8am-...
New 13,000-Square-Foot Rock Climbing Gym Proposed for PortlandPORTLAND, Maine -- New Hampshire-based Evolution Rock & FitnessLLC hopes to build a...Koenig, Seth
It was Saturday night and things were really rolling by nine or so, by which time I was safely ensconced in my bedroom with a quart of Royal Crown Cola and a bag of Doritos, preparing to watch Portland Wrestling on Channel 12. I had taken a liking to the new announcer Frank Bonnema w...