Rockband 4 is the definitive experience on PS4. Guitar Hero Live sucks on so many levels. This however keeps the basic formula fresh! With a better wireless guitar controller (which took me a while to get used to but now I love it!) and updated graphics and effects, Rockband remains ...
查了一下资料,Rock Band 4 官方说PS4版是支持大部分前作的吉他和鼓的。于是我淘了个Jetion的鼓来试试看……结果不能用……插上后,游戏识别出来插上了鼓,但是按键没反应,无法加入……--如果买原装的吉他都要100刀+,而如果买实体的RB4+吉他套装也才120刀。但是又不想手里的数字版白买了。于是还是想找一...
To wit: The USB mic, when plugged in, needs to be assigned to a user — specifically, the user attached to the DualShock 4 controller designating them the singer for the band. None of this is game-breaking, of course, but issues like these can really take the wind out of a party’...
近日动视官方正式确认,时隔许久未公布新作的《摇滚乐队》系列终于确认了新作《摇滚乐队4(Rock Band 4)》,并且游戏确认将会登陆次世代ps4和xbox one双平台。 波士顿开发团队 Harmonix近日正式宣布,将会在 Xbox One、ps4等次世代主机平台上推出睽违已久的 《摇滚乐队4(Rock Band 4)》!更将与知名游戏周边发行商 Mad C...
Rock Band 4 Rivals Bundlezoom_in zoom_in zoom_in zoom_in zoom_in zoom_in zoom_in zoom_in zoom_in zoom_in play_circle remove advertising notifications 追踪折扣 当价格跌破期望值或出现折扣时发出通知 add_circle 添加到我的游戏库 将游戏标记为已购买并将其添加到 我的游戏库 ...
Guitar Controller Compatible with Nintendo Wii, Guitar Remote with Strap/RGB Light for Guitar Hero,Rock Band 2, Legends of Rock Black Reduced price Now$9899 current price Now $98.99 $109.99 Was $109.99 Guitar Controller Compatible with Nintendo Wii, Guitar Remote with Strap/RGB Light for Guitar...
【5.05】PS4《摇滚乐队4 Rock Band 4》英文版pkg下载,摇滚乐队4是一款非常经典的音乐类游戏,游戏中为玩家收录了非常多的经典摇滚歌曲,喜欢音乐游戏的玩家不要错过。 《摇滚乐队 4》一款以摇滚乐为主题的音乐游戏,游戏中玩家将可演唱世界知名摇滚艺人的歌曲,并与朋友们使用鼓、吉他、贝斯以及麦克风等周边设备组成虚拟...
PS3 platform: Guitar Hero 3 / guitar hero 4 / Guitar Hero 5 / rockband1 / rockband2 ,etc... This PC guitar works great with the Clone Hero, please make sure to set it as a keyboard, not a mouse or controller. Product Features: ...
PS4 Track 'Apache Rose Peacock' - Red Hot Chili Peppers Unavailable Ratings AC/DC Live: Rock Band™ Export Pack Global player ratings 4.92Average rating 4.92 stars out of 5 stars from 36 ratings 36 ratings 94% 3% 3% 0% Game and Legal Info ...
In addition, on PS5™ consoles: PlayStation Camera adaptor for PS Camera is required (no purchase necessary) go to; for the best PlayStation®VR experience on PS5™ we recommend using a DUALSHOCK®4 wireless controller....