The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame 2020 Induction Ceremony aired tonight on HBO, and Nine Inch Nails were among this year’s inductees. Before Trent Reznor’s acceptance speech, the band was honored with an induction speech from Iggy Pop, where the icon compared Reznor and the band to Bob...
“As I’ve been wrapping my head around Nine Inch Nails being welcomed into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, I think I was most looking forward to the ceremony itself where the hopefully whole camp, past and present, was going to get together and have a moment,” Reznor said. “And we...
Jennings Beachis free and open to the public. However, from Memorial Day (Saturday) to Labor Day, a beach sticker is required to park in the parking lot. From 10 a.m.-8 p.m., vehicles without a beach sticker must pay a daily parking fee of $40 on weekdays and $50 on weekends a...
Playland Announces Partnership With The Capitol Theatre And The Rock And Roll Playhouse To Present Live Concerts For Rockin’ Summer Weekends Starting July 6 to September 1, 2024, Playland is collaborating with the live music venue in Port Chester to...
November 10, 2024Leave a comment Convention recap time! So, my last two weekends have been at gaming based conventions – the first, playing at Phenomenon, the second, working a booth at PAX Australia. Therefore, it’s recap time!
Welcome to Hard Rock Hotel Pattaya, where rock and roll meets luxury in the heart of Pattaya, Thailand. With its 4.5-star rating, this iconic hotel offers a unique experience that will leave you feeling like a true rockstar. Boasting 323 stylish and spacious rooms, you'll find the perfect...
Our students perform at community-based festivals like Brite Winter and regularly play at local venues like the Beachland Ballroom & Tavern and the Grog Shop. Our students have even performed at the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame! Come join the band and visit School of Rock Highland Heights today...
Sign-up for music lessons near you in Evanston. Learn how to play the guitar, drums, piano, and bass guitar or sing like a pro at School of Rock Evanston.
The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Rock and Roll Musical is a small independent film that has a great story and wonderful music. It's not to often you see a rock and roll musical with such great musical talent. I understand this film was shot on a very low budget and on weekends. I ...
“It took four of them to be one of me,” Cher joked, causing Clarkson to jump to her feet and cheer. Leaning in to the ridiculousness of being snubbed by the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame even though she's more than proved her worthiness at this point, she offered them...