roche limit 洛希极限(指卫星运行轨道与主星之间的理论临界距离) Roche limit 洛希极限(指卫星运行轨道与主星之间的理论临界距离) Roche's sign 【医】 罗希氏征(鉴别精索扭转与附睾炎的一种体征) That's the limit 这太过分了,简直忍无可忍! the sky’s the limit (抱负,潜力,花费等)有无限发展 sca...
Roche´s limit 洛希极限汉英翻译 Roche\´s limit洛希极限; 双语例句 1. But how can the differentiated satellite be brought so close to the planet, within the Roche limit? 但这些已分化的卫星是怎么进入土星洛希极限内的? —— 给力词典精选 ...
Roche limit (rōsh) n. The smallest distance at which a natural satellite can orbit a celestial body without being torn apart by the larger body's gravitational force. The distance depends on the densities of the two bodies and the orbit of the satellite. ...
Roche limit (rōsh) n. The smallest distance at which a natural satellite can orbit a celestial body without being torn apart by the larger body's gravitational force. The distance depends on the densities of the two bodies and the orbit of the satellite. [After Edouard Albert Roche (1820-...
洛希极限Roche's limit,也称洛希限,天体形状理论中常用的一个物理量。一个大质量天体对一个小质量天体进行引力作用时,小质量天体可以被大质量天体引力撕裂的最大距离即为洛希极限。表述一 它是一个源于潮汐力作用效果的天文学概念.1850年,法国数学家、天文学家洛希在研究潮汐效应时发现,任何坚固的天体,在接近另一个...
1) Roche's limit 洛希极限 例句>> 2) L'Hospital limit 洛毕达极限 3) Hilo 希洛 4) sulodexide 舒洛地希 1. Efficacy and safety ofsulodexidein the treatment of venous ulcers of leg; 舒洛地希治疗下肢静脉溃疡的疗效和安全性 5) roche lobe ...
I MUST thank your correspondent G. R. for correcting my carelessness in giving Roche's limit round the sun as about a tenth of the earth's distance, instead of about a ninetieth as it really is.
Darwin warns the reader that Roche's limit depends, to some extent, on the density of the planet. Suppose the density of the planet to remain the same while that of the satellite is taken at double. In this case the tidal or differential influence of the planet on the two halves of ...
The meaning of ROCHE LIMIT is the distance from a planet's center within which a satellite can neither approach nor reside without being disrupted by tidal forces.
Roche limit The Roche limit (/ʁoʃ/), sometimes referred to as the Roche radius, is the distance within which a celestial body, held together only by its own gravity, will disintegrate due to a second celestial body's tidal forces exceeding the first body's gravitational self-attraction...