At Roche we deliver a broad and growing selection of advanced research tools that accelerate life science discovery. Committed to innovation, quality, and service, we offer an extensive product portfolio featuring cutting-edge instruments and reagents for genome sequencing, microarray analysis, nucleic ...
Transform science brought to life for the people we serve Learn more Our Use of Cookies We use cookies and other technologies (“cookies”) to improve our website. Besides the strictly necessary cookies, we would like to use cookies (1) to learn how our website is used and how it perfor...
Explore how Roche translates science and technology into ground-breaking innovation for patients. Pharma R&D process The complexity of human biology is staggering, and drug development is extremely challenging. Across the industry, this leads to high R&D failure rates. We believe in learning from both...
Pregnant mice dosed with a specific IDO1 inhibitor rapidly reject allogeneic fetuses through induction of T cells (Munn et al., Science, 1998, 281(5380): 1191-3). Studies since then have established IDO1 as a regulator of certain disorders of the immune system and have discovered that it ...
Transform science brought to life for the people we serve Learn more Our Use of Cookies We use cookies and other technologies (“cookies”) to improve our website. Besides the strictly necessary cookies, we would like to use cookies (1) to learn how our website is used and how it perfor...
Roche Diagnostics develops innovative products and services that address the prevention, diagnosis, monitoring, screening and treatment of diseases.
Numerous models have been proposed to explain the presence of the nuclear cluster and address the Paradox of Youth. These include mechanisms for the formation of a cluster “in-situ”, the infall of an “ex-situ” formed cluster from greater galactocentric radii, the binding of stars to inne...
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For over 125 years, sustainability has been an integral part of Roche’s business. As a science-driven company, our greatest contribution to society is developing innovative medicines and diagnostics that help peo...
Aikium's AI-Driven mRNA Engine Looks to Address Undruggable Disordered Proteins Life Sciences Pioneer Lee Hood on How the Paradigm Shift Towards Precision Medicine Will Shape the Future of Health Tech and Patient Care Buy, Sell, Hold: mRNA - Part 3 Buy, Sell, Hold: mRNA - Part 2 Buy, ...