The message should occur only if cutpoints do not match in the OUT= and OUTROC= data sets, presumably because the ROCEPS= was not used as suggested in the message. Removed the position option. Macro controls positioning to avoid overlaps. Labels are now angled to improve clarity. Labels ...
综合7种石首鱼的生物学、生态学、地理分布 以及DNA测序、RAPD分秽侈占集,我们认为微卫星和AFLP技术不宜用于石首 鱼科分子系统进化的研究。) / 关键词:大黄鱼,遗传改良,Cytb基因,序列分析,DGGE,RAPD, 微卫星,AFLP,石首鱼科,分子系统进化 Studiesonthe genetic breeding ofthe p.croeea(Rcrocea)and themolecular ...