Here we develop a theory of robustness of a system of n interdependent networks, which can be graphically repre- sented (see Fig. 1) as a network of networks (NON), based on the percolation approach. We develop an exact analyti- cal approach for percolation of a NONsystemcomposed of n...
Almost all network research has been focused on the properties of a single network that does not interact and depends on other networks. In reality, many real-world networks interact with other networks. Here we develop an analytical framework for studying interacting networks and present an exact...
Robustness of network of networks with interdependent and interconnected links[J]. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2015, 424(15): 11-18.Dong, G., Du, R., Tian, L. & Liu, R. Robustness of network of networks with interdependent and interconnected links. Physica A: ...
Networks in nature rarely function in isolation but instead interact with one another with a form of a network of networks (NoN). A network of networks with interdependency between distinct networks contains instability of abrupt collapse related to the global rule of activation. As a remedy of ...
The level of such community structure in networks is typically measured using an index of modularity, Q. While modularity quantifies the degree to which individuals associate within versus between social communities and provides a useful measure of structure in the social network, it assumes that ...
E. Robustness of a network of networks. Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 195701 (2011). Article ADS PubMed Google Scholar Parshani, R., Buldyrev, S. V. & Havlin, S. Interdependent networks: reducing the coupling strength leads to a change from a first to second order percolation transition. ...
Network-wide broadcast (NWB) is a common operation in mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), which are used to discover routes in routing protocols and to disseminate information in group communication operations. NWB is commonly performed via flooding, which has been shown to be expensive in dense ...
Robust networks can maintain their characteristics under perturbation, which is rooted in the different topology structure.However, previous study of the relationship between network robustness and topology structure is based on a static context. We study the effects of network topology on the network ...
3 Vulnerability of Spiking Neural Networks 3.1 Spiking Neural Network under Attack 尽管在某些情况下,SNN比ANN更鲁棒,但当应用有效的对抗攻击方法时,大多数SNN仍然很脆弱。先前的工作已经通过实验证明,梯度攻击方法(如FGSM)可以应用于SNN [Sharmin et al., 2019, 2020]。然而,由于脉冲神经元的不可微分特性,通过...
In this paper, we study the robustness of networks that are characterized by many-to-one communications (e.g., access networks and sensor networks) in a game-theoretic model. More specifically, we model the interactions between a network operator and an adversary as a two player zero-sum ...