A new partial fingerprint dataset is created by cropping the fingerprints in a FVC2004 DB1A dataset to evaluate the performance in the presence of partial fingerprints. The proposed technique reduces the equal error rate by 10.21% for the partial fingerprint dataset. The performance of the SIFT ...
A robust method for partial deformed fingerprints verification using genetic algorithm Fingerprint verification is a well-researched problem, and automatic fingerprint verification techniques have been successfully adapted to both civilian an... MR Girgis,AA Sewisy,RF Mansour - 《Expert Systems with Appli...
Engagement of more buried cysteine residues is expected due to protein dynamics, and, in some instances, modification of a single cysteine residue may lead to partial protein unfolding that increases the accessibility of additional residues. To evaluate our coverage of the proteome with respect to ...
Then, partial multibiometric spoofing in multibiometric face and fingerprint context is assessed, considering recognition-only and joint recognition and liveness fusion techniques. 4.1. Setup: database and metrics As in many other approaches assessing face and fingerprint fusion [18], [35], also ...
Robust Variational Bayesian Point Set Registration Jie Zhou 1,2,† Xinke Ma 1,2,† Li Liang 12 , Yang Yang 1,2,∗ Shijin Xu 12 , Yuhe Liu 12 , Sim Heng Ong 3 1 School of Information Science and Technology, Yunnan Normal University 2Laboratory of Pattern Recognition and Artif...
Odor is the chemical fingerprint of every object, but until now has rarely been combined with tactile sensing for object identification. Many recognition modalities already published do not use the explicit combination of tactile and olfactory sensing44,45, mainly because gas sensors have both dimensio...
recognition in natural images, we claim that its use in the spectrogram image is feasible. According to [29], a typical music piece usually involves lots of different sounds, and its spectrogram contains many partial areas with distinctive local spectral patterns. These patterns in the spectrogram...
The finger itself contains multi‐modal traits, including fingerprint and finger‐vein, which provides convenience and practicality for finger bi‐modal fusion recognition. The scale inconsistency and feature space mismatch of finger bi‐modal images are important reasons for the fusion effect. The ...
the system innovation has been implemented on the fpga platform xilinix virtex ii.the experimental evaluation shows that the recognition rate is quite high, on the basis of fvc (fingerprint verification competition).ALIMA DAMAK MASMOUDIDORRA SELLAMI MASMOUDI...
The paper describes a fingerprint recognition system consisting of image preprocessing, filtration, feature extraction and matching for recognition. The image preprocessing includes normalization based on mean value and variation. The orientation field is extracted and Gabor filter is used to prepare the ...