This chapter will explain how robots can display a type of affective behavior that we can perceive as, or analogize to emotion. Having examined how human systems work, we will see that robotic "emotions" will perform functions comparable to those of human emotions, signaling the robots' self-...
Hawking, Musk and Gates are primarily concerned that we may create AI capable of developing an intelligence that we do not understand and that may decide that human beings are irrelevant or pathological. This is the scenario enacted in the movie The Terminator (1984) and its sequels where an...
(2011) NASA and General Motors collaborate to send Robonaut 2, a humanesque robotic assistant, into space on space shuttle Discovery. The robot becomes a permanent resident of the International Space Station. (2013) Boston Dynamics releases Atlas, a humanoid biped robot that uses 28 hydraulic joi...
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The creation and deployment of sex robots are accelerating. Sex robots are service robots that perform actions contributing directly towards improvement in the satisfaction of the sexual needs of a user. In this paper, we explore the potential use of these robots for elder and disabled care purpos...
There are indications that major militaries, including the U.S. Army, are moving toward taking the human out of the loop by having UAVs perform behaviors autonomously (Scharre 2018; Singer 2001). Unmanned Ground, Surface, and Underwater Vehicles The U.S. Army has successfully used small, ...
Well, this is really great news. Really, really great. All this talk ofsex robots replacing normal sex, and the fact that test tube babies are going toreplacenaturally conceived babies pretty soon makes me feelreallyoptimistic about the future. ...
Jia Xiaoning, a Chinese painter, was interested in the artist robot Saidaqian. After appreciating its work, he said: "The biggest difference between humans and robots is that we have life and emotions." "Different feelings push people into different states, which will affect what they see, he...
Briefly speaking, given the crisp values of input variables, a FIS first applies a procedure called fuzzification on the input data in order to transform these crisp values into fuzzy values. Next, relevant fuzzy operations are performed on the fuzzy rules of the rule base that have been fired...
"Social robots" are designed for social interaction with humans on human terms—they are capable in principle of expressing emotions, demonstrating consciousness, and thinking and moving about autonomously. "Sociable robots," by contrast, are designed for friendly companionship, teddy bears with ...