Sitting at a console that looks like a video game, Gary Chmielewski, MD, is performing complex lung surgery. The surgeon is using the console to control a four-armed robot positioned over the patient on a nearby operating table. Chmielewski operates while viewing a high-definition, 3-D im...
We believe that spinal epidural anesthesia and analgesia are suitable techniques, especially for selected frail patients. These techniques, associated with robotic surgery, offer a better short-term outcome, especially in comorbid patients with serve lung disease. The patients benefit from a quicker retu...
Robot-assisted thoracic surgery (RATS) has gained popularity for the treatment of lung cancer, but its quality outcome measures are still being evaluated. The purpose of this study was to compare the perioperative outcomes of lung cancer resection using
(n = 1), hemorrhagic stroke that occurred during surveillance in the recovery room (n = 1), uncontrolled surgical pain (n = 1), occurrence of a severe desaturation with need for oxygen supplementation (n = 1) on POD2, air leaks with suboptimal lung re-expansion on chest X-Ray ...