"In a cellphone assembly line, in almost every single step, the feeling of a snap-fit, or a threaded screw, is coming from force and touch rather than vision," Rodriguez says. "Learning models for those actions is...
Ramik, D.-M., Sabourin, C., Madani, K.: A Real-time Robot Vision Approach Combining Visual Saliency and Unsupervised Learning. In: Proc. of 14th Int. Conf. CLAWAR, Paris, France, pp. 241–248 (2011)Ramík, D.M., Sabourin, C., Madani, K.: A real-time robot vision approach ...
1.Google AI Blog: Grasp2Vec: Learning Object Representations from Self-Supervised Grasping;2.Improving Grounded Natural Language Understanding through Human-Robot Dialog;3.Connecting Touch and Vision via Cross-Modal Prediction.论文地址:在公众号「3D视觉工坊」,后台回复「Robot Learning」,即可直接下载参考...
1.Google AI Blog: Grasp2Vec: Learning Object Representations from Self-Supervised Grasping; 2.Improving Grounded Natural Language Understanding through Human-Robot Dialog; 3.Connecting Touch and Vision via Cross-Modal Prediction.
三 机器人学习(Robot Learning) 今年的2021CoRL机器人学习会议 已经召开,我们这里直接引用一下CoRL官网上的一句话: The fields of robotics, autonomous perception, and control are undergoing a machine learning revolution! 没错,一场机器人革命正在展开,而这场革命的核心是机器学习(其实主要是深度学习)在机器人上...
Vision-Based Robot Path Planning with Deep LearningPath planningConvolutional neural network (CNN)ClassificationIn this paper, a new method based on deep convolutional neural network (CNN) for path planning of robot is proposed, the aim of which is to transform the mission of path planning into ...
This paper describes humanoid robot learning from observation and game playing using information provided by a real-time PC-based vision system. To cope with extremely fast motions that arise in the environment, a visual system capable of perceiving the motion of several objects at 60 fields per ...
1.Google AI Blog: Grasp2Vec: Learning Object Representations from Self-Supervised Grasping; 2.Improving Grounded Natural Language Understanding through Human-Robot Dialog; 3.Connecting Touch and Vision via Cross-Modal Prediction. 更多干货资源:
Learning-Based Robot Vision: Principles and Applications (平装) 电子书 读后感 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 类似图书 点击查看全场最低价 出版者:1 edition (2001年6月1日) 作者:Josef Pauli 出品人: 页数:288 译者...
A learning-based control approach is presented for force servoing of a robot with vision in an unknown environment. Firstly, mapping relationships between image features of the servoing object and the joint angles of the robot are derived and learned by a neural network. Secondly, a learning cont...