pip install robotframework-databaselibrary(链接数据库) pip installcx_Oracle(操作Oralce数据库) pip installPyMySQL(操作Mysql数据库) pip install openpyxl(操作EXCEL) pip list【可检查安装测试库列表】 七、运行测试 1)New Project,名字可自定义(type:Directoy;Format:ROBOT) 2) New Suite,名字可自定义,可配...
1、安装SeleniumLibrary SeleniumLibrary是Robot Framework的Web测试库,内部使用Selenium工具。 命令行输入安装命令: pip install --upgrade robotframework-seleniumlibrary 或者,先下载后安装: https://pypi.org/project/robotframework-seleniumlibrary/#files robotframework-seleniumlibrary版本5.1.3 2、浏览器驱动 (1)chr...
erdos-project/erdos Star203 Dataflow system for building self-driving car and robotics applications. rustrobotdroneroboticsrosrobot-frameworkdataflowself-driving-carautonomous-vehiclesrobot-programming UpdatedAug 27, 2022 Rust Extended Robot Framework libraries to make testing GUI, REST/SOAP API, Mobile, ...
Learn more about this project [homepage] Learning-from-Observation [paper] A Learning-from-Observation Framework: One-Shot Robot Teaching for Grasp-Manipulation-Release Household Operations(opens in new tab) [paper] Interactive Learning-from-Observation...
Robot Framework project is hosted onGitHubwhere you can find source code, an issue tracker, and some further documentation. Downloads are hosted onPyPI. Robot Framework development is sponsored by non-profitRobot Framework Foundation. If you are using the framework and benefiting from it, consider...
摘要:Nuget 1.打开【程序包管理器控制台】,指定类库添加NuGet包: install-package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore -project Models -version 5.0.12 install-package Microsoft.EntityFram 阅读全文 posted @ 2021-11-08 14:44 Robot-Blog 阅读(318) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑 NetCore 封装JsonResult通用返回模型 ...
SYMPLEXITY is a collaborative project to develop new human-robot solutions for industrial manufacturing. LASIMM The LASIMM project is developing large, flexible, all-in-one machines on a scalable framework for hybrid (additive and subtractive) manufacturing. ...
The system used for the octomaps creation (Figure 13) was built upon the ROS framework and the GMapping SLAM. During the online session, the 2D SLAM algorithm estimated robot pose based on data from IMU, lidar, and odometry. On the other hand, the offline 3D map creation (octomap) used...
A Short Introduction to Robot Framework Robot Framework is a generic open-source test automation framework suitable for end-to-end acceptance testing and acceptance test-driven development (ATDD). Also, data driven testing in robot framework is a topic that’s worth discussing and understanding. So...
Running the project First, source your preferred ROS versionsetup.bash(if you don’t do it in your~/.bashrcalready): source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash Then, go to theros-wsdirectory in the tutorial root directory and build the tutorial code: ...