real time linux 实时内核补丁Preempt-RT Raspberry Pi Linux - Tiejun Chen, VMware 1893 1 3:42 App 【树莓派机器人测评】最值得入手的开源视觉六足机器人! 1.4万 1 1:28:05 App [树莓派整合镜像]目前最好的5个128GB Retropie 4.4以上的整合镜像 1213 -- 0:30 App 【自制展示】做一款有趣的机器人+...
As many of your know, Dexter Industries has built custom software for ourrobot kits! These robots are all based on theRaspberry Pi, that awesome little credit card sized computer that we’ve turned into a few different robots. Raspberry Pi has software called “Raspbian”, and our version of...
See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see GoPiGo Robot for Raspberry Pi ...
Robotics is a trending topic right now in the Raspberry Pi world, but it’s not always easy to understand what’s out there. In the few last years, many robot kits have been released for anyone to try, either to play, learn programming, or for more complex challenges. So, what’s th...
KEYESTUDIO is a creative robotics and open source hardware manufacturer and exporter, specialized in micro-controller, starter kit, robot, shield, sensor, display, modules, etc. for Arduino, Raspberry PI, Micro:Bit.
Adeept AWR 4WD WiFi Smart Robot Car Kit for Raspberry Pi 4/3 Model B+/B/2B, DIY Robot Kit for Kids and Adults, OpenCV Target Tracking $ 69.99 Quantity: 1 Adeept PiCar-B Mars Rover Smart Car Kit for Raspberry Pi 5/4B/3B/3B+, Obstacle Avoidance, Line Tracking, Light Tracing, Camera...
Night visionpatrol robotsound sensorraspberry piIn this project, we propose a security patrolling robot manages the utilization of Raspberry pi to survey night patrolling in an area. These days' video reconnaissance significant as far as security. Top of the line cameras are required in business ...
叮当是一款可以工作在 Raspberry Pi 上的开源中文语音对话机器人/智能音箱项目,目的是让中国的Hacker们也能快速打造个性化的智能音箱。 Table of Contents 特性 Demo 硬件要求 安装 升级 配置 运行 退出 插件 贡献 联系 感谢 FAQ 免责声明 特性 叮当包括以下诸多特性: ...
操作与现象:程序运行后会提示等待蓝牙连接,手机App选择蓝牙遥控,点击扫描,发现raspberrypi设备并连接。 连接程序后进入控制界面,点击按键可以遥控0~4通道的舵机正反转了。 注意:如果接收到的命令不对,可能需要在APP中config一下对应按键按下和松开时发送的命令。
DESKTOP RASPBERRY PI ROBOT ARMBased on robotics Raspberry Pi microprocessor and built in Ubuntu 18.04, myCobot 280 Pi quickly creates a perfect programming environment for robotic algorithm developing, ROS simulation, etc. It must be your first Raspberry Pi robot to learn robotics....