Robot Dreams: Directed by Pablo Berger. With Ivan Labanda. The adventures and misfortunes of Dog and Robot in New York City during the 1980s.
Robot Dreams 2024年12月20日 103分钟 -动画/剧情/音乐 扫码购票 导演: 巴勃罗·贝格尔 Pablo Berger 剧情: 一只孤独的小狗遇到了一个机器人,偌大的城市中,他们互相依靠,温暖彼此。然而一次意外让小狗和机器人遗憾错过,从此他们只能把对彼此的想念藏进梦中。只是,反复梦见的人,还会重逢吗?影片改编自Sara Varon的...
Back in the city, he tries to fill the emotional gap left by the absence of his friend, while Robot awaits rescue, finding comfort in vivid dreams and happy memories of time spent with Dog. This movie contains 22 potentially triggering events....
Nominated for Animated Feature at the 2024 Academy Awards. Based on the popular graphic novel by the North American writer Sara Varon, Robot Dreams tells the adventures and misfortunes of Dog and Robot in NYC during the '80s.
Robot Dreams DOG is a lonely dog who lives in Manhattan. One day he decides to build himself a pal robot. Their friendship grows, until they become inseparable, to the rhythm of New York in the 80s. One late summer night, Dog with great sorrow, is forced to abandon ROBOT on the ...
FULL REVIEW 88 TheWrap May 29, 2023 Robot Dreams—as much a movie about coupledom as it is about friendship—sneaks up on you with an ending that both eulogizes the ones that got away and celebrates the memories that they had left behind. ...
Robot Dreams (MOViE MOViE anifest動画藝術祭2023)(Robot Dreams (MOViE MOViE anifest 2023))戲院上映場次、預告及影評。這部哥雅獎得主導演Pablo Berger進軍動畫界的首作,改編自兒童書插畫家Sara Varon的同名漫畫小說,不但先於康城影展進行首映,更摘下「動畫界奧斯卡
Robot Dreams Movie Review Robot Dreamsis a2023 Spanishanimated tragicomedy film directed byPablo Berger.It is one of the greatest animated movies of the decade. In1980s New York City, DogassemblesRobotas a companion, and they become best buddies. On aLabor Dayouting toConey Island, Robot’sme...
It shouldn’t be as wrenching as it is to see the unnamed automaton at the center of “Robot Dreams” separated from the dog that bought it, but after being buried under the sand for fun during a day at the beach, it becomes no laughing matter in Pablo Berger’s touching adaptation of...
這部哥雅獎得主導演Pablo Berger進軍動畫界的首作,改編自兒童書插畫家Sara Varon的同名漫畫小說,不但先於康城影展進行首映,更摘下「動畫界奧斯卡」安錫動畫影展大獎。主人翁Dog厭倦了孤單一人的生活,決定購買組裝機械人Robot「做朋友」。一狗一機械人一拍即合,共同走遍