std::vector<std::string> contactNames3DoF{"LF_FOOT", "RF_FOOT", "LH_FOOT", "RH_FOOT"}; /**加载设置文件***/ ModelSettings loadModelSettings(const std::string&filename, const std::string &fieldName = "model_settings", bool verbose = "true");加载设置文件 constraint/EndEffectorLinearCo...
In this chapter, we present a 3D maps integration algorithm that utilizes overlapping regions in the feature-based alignment process. The algorithm does not need any initial guess about the transformation between local maps. However, for successful integration, maps need to have a common area. We...
Introducing the Robot Nano Hand an open source project. 3d print, build and program this state of the art robotic hand
Command'"E:\code_tool\python\python.exe" -c "import distutils.msvc9compiler as msvc; mc = msvc.MSVCCompiler(); mc.initialize(); print("'failedwithexit code1.<string>:1:DeprecationWarning:The distutils packageisdeprecatedandslatedforremovalinPython3.12.Use setuptoolsorcheck PEP632forpotenti...
1.创建项目:File->New Project 注:选择directory原因是,在directory的项目下可以创建测试套件,如果是tpye为file,则只能创建测试用例,这不利于用例的管理。 2.创建测试套件New Suite 在新建项目右键,点击New Suite 注:选择file原因是,在file的测试套件下可以创建测试用例,如果是tpye为directory,还得重新再继续建file的...
Download robot 3D Models, Free. Available formats:Available formats: c4d, max, obj, fbx, ma, blend, 3ds, 3dm, stl - 3DExport
These 3D models serve as the foundation of your gaming environment, enabling AI navigation, spawn points, zoning, collisions, and occlusion. As you move within your space, the model adjusts accordingly, seamlessly integrating your real-world position into the gaming experience. ...
const Eigen::Affine3d& end_effector_state = kinematic_state->getGlobalLinkTransform("panda_link8"); /* Print end-effector pose. Remember that this is in the model frame */ ROS_INFO_STREAM("Translation: \n" << end_effector_state.translation() << "\n"); ...
# with a renamed file depending on the robot brand status, summary = robot.FilterProgram(file_program) if status == 0: print("Program filtering succeeded") print(summary) calib_item.Delete() RDK.CloseRoboDK() else: print("Program filtering failed! Error code: %i" % status) print(summary...
#如果遇到问题,请尝试将其设置为true,然后echo the /diagnostics_agg主题,查看节点是否对任何设置或数据不满意 print_diagnostics: true # Debug settings. Not for the faint of heart. Outputs a ludicrous amount of information to the file specified by ...