"RoboCop: Rogue City" - Protecting 'Old Detroit' With cities across the US experiencing a crime-wave fueled by politicians defunding the police, then refusing to prosecute dangerous felons, Metro Goldwyn Mayer and Teyon are ushering in the return of crime-fighting android killing machine 'Robo...
Based on the original movie, the first Robocop animated series features cyborg cop Alex Murphy (Robocop), who fights to save the city of Old Detroit from assorted rogue elements, and on occasion, fighting to reclaim aspects of his humanity and maintain his usefulness in the eyes of the "Ol...
And as you spend your skill points, which mostly just increase your stats, you only become more of an impenetrable fortress for your enemies. Robocop: Rogue Citydoes fight that by throwing new, different kinds of enemies at you, and higher numbers of them, to the degree that by the end ...
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