1994—[Item by Cat Eldridge]Thirty-eight years ago theRobocopseries was first broadcast on this date in the United Kingdom. (It would be four days more before it was broadcast in the States.) Stripped largely of the violence and cynicism of the film that it was based on, it was intend...
wnwl/wIn.nroobvoertiecns/toSdoacyia.lceo-mRo/rboobtos/tsM/poabrios;erv; (d) i-cat: www.bartnec(ck).de/2009/08/12/photos-pMhiolibpiss-eircva:t- wrowbwot.;s(me)arNt-AhOom: wesw.nwl/.Ihnancokveedrgeand/Sgoectsia.cloe-mR/o2b0o1ts1//M02o/b1is8e/rnva; o-robot-demonst(...