All active Your Bizarre Adventure codes 12 HOURS WITHOUT YBA— Redeem for 1 Lucky Arrow(must be Prestige 1)(New) 5YEARS— Redeem for 25 Lucky Arrows and 25 Rokakaka(must be Prestige 1)(New) ARE YOU WATCHING ME?— Redeem for a Lucky Arrow, Requiem Arrow and 25 Minutes of 2x Exp(mus...
Your Bizar..石鬼面手持左键使用变成一个吸血鬼不过注意,吸血鬼的战斗方式还需要到THE BAR 找站在门口的人学习需要5000元(找到后不要立刻使用,随到好替身再用,不然后悔死你)这个物品算是这游戏现在最稀有的物品
Your Bizar..看见这个保安了吗,你需要干倒五个才能完成你的第一个活,当然,刚入坑的你可能会被保安反杀,但如果你懂些基本操作的话..F格挡左键轻击右键两下重击ALT进行闪躲(顺带一提,这个游戏开shiftlock后p
As well as the above Trello board, there are a couple more useful links for the fans of Your Bizarre Adventure. For example, the game’s Discord is a great place to find more players to interact with as well as a great resource for information and codes. Meanwhile, there is also a Wi...
If you're looking for codes or free items for your Avatar, then make sure to check out our Roblox Promo Codes page! Looking for a new Roblox game to play? Take our quiz to find out What Roblox game you should play! A A Bizarre Day Modded Rebooted – Are there any? A Bizarre ...
Initial release Sept. 1, 2006 Developers Roblox Corporation Genres Action Adventure Arcade Platformer RPG Simulation Spotted a mistake? Tell us! Roblox Spotlight Roblox is limiting access to social hangouts and unrated games for children aged under 13 New safety measures to "keep our younger ...
发现了一个和yba就..游戏名字叫[UPDATE] Stand Upright [testing],这个游戏玩的人比yba多。他们的机制一些基础操作比如奔跑是ctrl,突进是alt,然后还有替身的升级都是以树状图呈现的,然后
Related:Your Bizarre Adventure – How to Get Requiem Arrow How to get Yen in Stand Proud Getting Yen is the easy and fun part, but is challenging if you need a lot. Yen is simply given to the player for fighting other players. You’ll gain more Yen for defeating foes, but you simply...
Crazy Biza..好像没人搞这个的教程我就试试搞个首先是物品ROKAKAKA,可以重置替身,在马路路口,地图中心会刷,在商店可以花1525元买。STAND ARROW 用了可以抽替身,在商店花1750买,刷新位置同ROKAKAKA
roblox[Your Bizarre Adventure]教程 昨天刚刚做了新手任务教程的视频,发现有很多没讲清楚 所以大家请自行去下面的帖子看: 以下图片转自游戏作者Bizarre Studios 侵删 侵删