Thescript, voice-over, and even the background propsare all exceptionally well-done. Roses is a Roblox-exclusivefirst-person horror game. You’d play a character who died in an asylum with a pal named Max. It is now your responsibility to locate Max in the same old asylum. You will be...
Infinite Script Fighting [MINOS] Infinite Tower Tycoon Infinity Sea 2 Insane Button Simulator Inside Out 2 Simulator Investor City [Update!] Iron Man Simulator 2 – are there any? Island of Move It Girl Ice Cream Simulator Ice Skating Simulator Idiotic Investing Idle Fighters IKEA The Co-Worker...
The Mimic is genuinely rather terrifying. It is based on a Korean horror movie of the same name, where a group of friends explores an abandoned school that is haunted by a mysterious entity that can mimic their voices and appearances. The game features stunning graphics, atmospheric sound effec...
Okay, I made a test textbox to mimic the same functionality using the script I wrote before as a basis, and it worked for me in studio: -- Changes to the previous script -- new definitions: local selectionStart local selectionEnd function onCursorPosChanged() if mouseHeld then repeat task...
DynaBlocks (2003-2004):With the notion of “blocks” still holding strong, this was the final naming attempt before Roblox came into being. While the prototype didn’t quite stand the test of time, the team attempted to carry over its multi-colored text and a similar script choice into th...