roblox(studio)启动器中文文本错误(显示成问号)系统版本:Windows系列(几乎都用windows) 2楼2018-08-28 18:36 收起回复 贴吧用户_5GA7yAa538 活跃吧友 5 求僵尸追玩家代码我家僵尸都老躲到角落 3楼2018-08-30 15:05 回复(1) 史蒂夫萧 知名人士 11 新的bug:roblox player 不能正常支持 IME 输入法,会...
接下来是关于Studio的bug,我是遇到以下这几个bug: 第一个是将Map发布后的迁移版本中,经常会发生地图消失的问题 第二个是关于studio游戏的更新。在对此更新查找问题的时候,会遇到“锚固”了,但是地图中缺没有的问题,就相当于你在studio里测试的时候好好的,到了软件中缺出了问题,没办法更好的找出bug,这一点是我...
好的,我们打开Roblox Studio,如果软件没有自动在桌面创建快捷方式的话,那么可以在“C:\Users\(用户名...
An automated repository that extracts and displays information about the current version of Roblox. Most of the information is miscellaneous, but it provides insight to changes that are being made with each weekly release. - Roblox-Client-Tracker/FVariab
You can follow several platforms to stay in touch with all the latest happening in the world of Spy Tycoon. You can join theSteady Studio Roblox Groupor theSteady Studio Discord Server. Alternatively, you can follow@SteadyStudio_RBon Twitter or subscribe to theSteady Studio YouTube Channel. ...
Eye — Advanced Time Tracker for Roblox Studio | Free Collection of Useful Community Services for Roblox Developers Collection of Useful Community Services for Roblox Developers vvv331(vvv)2024 年7 月 22 日 19:00#2 proceeds to forget Nice plugin regardless, will give it a try later. ...
this is really puzzling the event should not be received by only the player if it is being fired to all clients. Assuming that output and print analysis doesn’t print anything either this probably means that there is a condition only met by the player sending it and not everyone else? Ca...
好的,我们打开Roblox Studio,如果软件没有自动在桌面创建快捷方式的话,那么可以在“C:\Users\(用户名)\AppData\Local\Roblox\Versions”中找到它,运行“RobloxStudioLauncherBeta.exe”打开程序。 选择“新增”,我们可以看到有些模型的左下角有一个“书本”的图标,书本放上去,可以看到提示“此模板包含如何使用Studio...