player:LoadCharacter() Player:Kick() 从游戏中踢出玩家。 player:Kick("You have been kicked from the game.") Player:Destroy() 销毁玩家对象。 player:Destroy() 结论 如果你正在构建一个 Roblox Studio 游戏,那么定义和控制玩家对象是非常重要的。通过此介绍,你现在可以更好地了解如何定义和控制玩家对象,从...
返回一个包含描述 Player 如何加入体验的字典。 GetMouse():Mouse 返回客户端使用的鼠标。 GetNetworkPing():number 写入并联 返回网络的隔离时间,以秒为单位。 HasAppearanceLoaded():bool 返回是否加载玩家角色的外观。 IsVerified():bool 返回玩家是否使用具体、实世界信号验证。 Kick(message : string):void 强行...
管理员 Roblox 脚本需要对玩家加入游戏事件 (“PlayerAdded”) 进行响应。编写代码以在此事件发生时对玩家执行操作。 管理员任务 以下是管理员 Roblox 脚本可能执行的任务: 警告: 发出警告以告知玩家他们的行为不当,如果再次违规,将会被禁言或封禁。 -- 给玩家发送警告信息 player:Kick("您的行为不当,请遵守游戏...
Returns whether or not the appearance of the player's character has loaded. IsVerified():bool Returns whether the player is verified with concrete, real-world signals. Kick(message : string):void Forcibly disconnect a player from the game, optionally providing a message. Move(walkDirection : Ve...
Kick A Friend Kill Monsters to Save Princess Kill Realistic NPCs Simulator Killer Showdown King of Sea King of the World Simulator Kingdom Conquerors Knockout League (December 2024) Korean Street Food Korrupt Zombies Kung Fu Panda Hero Showdown Kage Tycoon Kaiju Universe – Do any exist? Kameham...
Then we need to listen for when the player leaves so that there are no data leaks. Almost done, now we will set up the leaderstats. We’ll do this by creating a function near the top of the script (right below the kick message constant). ...
roblox introduces lua coding through the engaging lens of creating obbys and awesome games with roblox studio , plus finding ways to monetize. by learning with roblox, kids will activate their game design and entrepreneurial skills! what is the camp experience like? while we are a tech program...
plr:Kick("Sorry, but your data has not loaded succesfully, try again or contact the owner with this error message: "..errormessage) end end) game.Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(plr) local succes,errormessage = pcall(function() ...
Quickplay is for hurried people who want to complete the game in one sitting, or strangers in general. Playtime is reduced, so is some of the game content, and in this case, everything is voted on. So, if players want to kick another player out, more than half of people must confirm...
这就是在Roblox Studio中创建关闭按钮所需的全部步骤。通过遵循本教程,您可以向您的游戏添加一个更为专业的界面,并提供给用户一个可用的关闭选项。 # 代码片段 local closeBtn = script.Parent closeBtn.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() game.Players.LocalPlayer:Kick() end)...