Here are some stuff you can do: Adding Free Models.Head over to“Model > Toolbox”on the upper part of the studio. On the right side, you can choose from various free models. Be careful when selecting these models, as some have hacks that might ruin your game. Adding Parts.Beside the...
-- do stuff with message and player print(message) end player.Chatted:Connect(onChatted) end Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(onPlayerAdded) This code sample, although lengthy, is quite simple: detect when a player chats /play, then put them on the "Playing" team. When they die, move ...
Originally rumored in May of 2022, this experience was created by development studio MELON, the same studio that made the Chipotle experience, and was released on July 26, 2022. To learn more about how to earn the free items inside of this experience, continue reading our brief guide below....
For example, if the CPU is taking 20 ms and your GPU takes 3 ms, your project is CPU limited, and likely has slow scripts or physics. If GPU usage is much higher than CPU usage, you are GPU limited, and are rendering too much stuff. Note: This is going to be device specific, of...
And I have to say that these Scripts areveryinefficient and will really destroy the performance of any large game, such as one that has multiple maps that are:Clone’d around. I have to ask if you generated some of this code with ChatGPT, because stuff like this: ...
-- do stuff with message and player print(message) end player.Chatted:Connect(onChatted) end Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(onPlayerAdded) This code sample, although lengthy, is quite simple: detect when a player chats /play, then put them on the "Playing" team. When they die, move ...
Anthros is the avatar antagonists from Roblox. WARNING: You may add appropriate counterparts. But, do NOT delete any. WARNING: You may add parodies. But, do NOT delete any. Complete parodies list
-- do stuff with message and player print(message) end player.Chatted:Connect(onChatted) end Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(onPlayerAdded) This code sample, although lengthy, is quite simple: detect when a player chats /play, then put them on the "Playing" team. When they die, move ...
The example demonstrates how to set a player's camera minimum and maximum zoom distance. In this example, we set the Player.CameraMinZoomDistance and Player.CameraMaxZoomDistance to set the min and max distance in studs a player's camera can be from their character. Note that since the exa...