IdDebugString(id : number):string Returns a string describing a stable ID, useful for debugging purposes. MergeVertices(mergeTolerance : number):Map Merges vertices that touch together. RaycastLocal(origin : Vector3,direction : Vector3):Tuple RemoveFace(faceId : number):void Removes a face usin...
Chatted(message : string,recipient : Player):RBXScriptSignal Fires when a player chats in-game using Roblox's provided chat bar. Idled(time : number):RBXScriptSignal This event fires approximately two minutes after the game engine classifies the player as idle. Time is the number of seconds ...
Also contains utility to make testing in studio easier. npm i @quenty/friendutils docs source changelog npm FunctionUtils Utility functions involving functions npm i @quenty/functionutils docs source changelog npm Fzy Lua implementation of fzy string search algorithm npm i @quenty/fzy docs source...
.clone(); package_json.insert( "version".to_string(), serde_json::Value::String(next_version.to_string()), ); let package_json = serde_json::to_string_pretty(&package_json)? + "\n"; std::fs::write(path, package_json)?; } Ok(()) } /// read Cargo.toml and get the ...
InvalidRequest Unable to convert sortKey to a valid number or string. TransformCallbackFailed Failed to invoke transformation callback function. RequestThrottled Recent MemoryStores requests hit one or more limits. UpdateConflict Exceeded max number of retries. Troubleshooting The following table lists an...
ShadowSoftness:number Read Parallel Controls how blurry the shadows are. Technology:Enum.Technology Read Parallel Roblox Script Security Determines the lighting system for rendering the 3D world. Non-scriptable. . TimeOfDay:string Read Parallel A 24 hour string representation of the current time of day...
InvalidRequest Unable to convert sortKey to a valid number or string. TransformCallbackFailed Failed to invoke transformation callback function. RequestThrottled Recent MemoryStores requests hit one or more limits. UpdateConflict Exceeded max number of retries. Troubleshooting The following table lists an...