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particleEmitter.Speed = NumberRange.new(50) particleEmitter.Rate =50 particleEmitter.Color = ColorSequence.new(Color3.fromRGB(128,254,7)) particleEmitter.SpreadAngle = Vector2.new(35,35) particleEmitter.Parent = attachment returnattachment
This module script is essential for you to use in your Roblox experience if you want to speed up certain processes with functions, debugging tools, attributes, and more! open-sourceopensourceluamodulesrobloxfreeessentialessentialsrobloxluadebugging-toolsluauroblox-luaroblox-apimodulescriptrobloxscriptsroblo...
Swap Riders Speed Simulator Swim League Swim Race Clicker – EpicZ Studioz Sword Clashers Simulator Sword Crafters Sword Duels Sword Factory GUI Sword Factory Reforged Sword Fantasy (December 2024) [Alpha] Sword Fighters 2 Simulator Sword Fighters Simulator Sword Haven Sword Lands Simulator Sword Simul...
local pressSPEED = playGUI:WaitForChild("SPEED") local pressALLRANDOM = playGUI:WaitForChild("ALLRANDOM") -- 将对应的能力赋值 local allnumber = pressALLRANDOM:WaitForChild("allnumber") local jumpnumer = pressJUMP:WaitForChild("jumpnumer") local speednumber = pressSPEED:WaitForChild("speednumbe...
Camera Pan Speed Camera Shift Speed Camera Speed Camera Speed Adjust Binding Camera Zoom to Mouse Position CameraAdaptiveSpeed CameraTweenFocus Clear Output On Start CommandBarLocalState Comment Color Current Line Highlight Color Debugger Current Line Color Debugger Error Line Color DefaultScriptFileDir De...
Script 2: This gives you the following features; Auto Farm Collect Item Speed Auto Hide Bypass (100% WIN) loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Muhammad6196/Project-WD/main/Mainstring.lua"))() loadstring(game:HttpGet('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zoophiliaphobic/POO...
This module script is essential for you to use in your Roblox experience if you want to speed up certain processes with functions, debugging tools, attributes, and more! open-sourceopensourceluamodulesrobloxfreeessentialessentialsrobloxluadebugging-toolsluauroblox-luaroblox-apimodulescriptrobloxscriptsroblo...
Roblox Game Codes are common for the majority of the different games available on the platform. Upon redemption, these provide players with free items, in-game resources, boosters, and a lot more.
The system also reduces player speed while they’re aiming/zooming, although this behavior can be disabled by setting the SlowZoomWalkEnabled boolean to false.修改武器 下面是修改武器或创建新武器所需的所有通用子项,以及要覆盖的所有可选子项。武器选项中有更具体的选项。 对象/命名规则 Throughout this...