Appearing offline on Roblox gives players control over their visibility and play restrictions free. Earlier, the platform provided a Status feature where you could write a short message to let others know what you’re up to or share about a new game or anything else you wanted. However, as ...
if not workspace:FindFirstChild(player.Name) then player:LoadCharacter() end end -- Wait 10 seconds until next respawn check task.wait(10) end ClassicChat bool 只读 未复制 读取并联 指示是否启用经典聊天。 此属性由 Players:SetChatStyle() 方法使用 Enum.ChatStyle 列表。 当此聊天模式启...
bodyColor3s table (see below) Describes the Color3 instance for each limb which may not match perfectly with bodyColors defaultPantsApplied bool Describes whether default pants are applied defaultShirtApplied bool Describes whether default shirt is applied emotes table (see below) Describes the equippe...
game:GetService("Players"):Chat("Hello, world!") --Results in 'Hello, world!' appearing in the Chat log under your Player's name. -- Script local Players = game:GetService("Players") Players:Chat("Hello, world!") --Errors ...
In addition, it also removes the T-Shirt Decal on the player's torso. The character's body part colors and face will remain unchanged. This method does nothing if the player does not have a Character. It does not remove t-shirts, head meshes, or faces. Returns void Code Samples How...
In addition, it also removes the T-Shirt Decal on the player's torso. The character's body part colors and face will remain unchanged. This method does nothing if the player does not have a Character. It does not remove t-shirts, head meshes, or faces. Returns void Code Samples How...
玩家的外觀包括玩家的 Shirt、 Pants 和Accessories。 這很有用,當確認遊戲家是否載入了外觀,這可以使用 Players.PlayerAdded 事件來跟蹤。 返回 bool 一個Boolean指示是否載入玩家的角色外觀。 範例程式碼 This example prints the result of Player:HasAppearanceLoaded() after a player joins the game until the ...
玩家的外观包括玩家的 Shirt、 Pants 和Accessories。 这很有用,当确定游戏家的外观是否已经加载,玩家可以使用 Players.PlayerAdded 事件来跟踪。 返回 bool 一个Boolean指示是否加载玩家角色的外观。 代码示例 This example prints the result of Player:HasAppearanceLoaded() after a player joins the game until th...