2.复制粘贴以下几行新内容:local boostPart = script.Parent-- Set a variable for boosted jump ...
1、点击[内置组件] 2、点击[轮播图] 3、点击[文本] 4、点击[从本地上传] 5、点击[bu.jp...
local MAX_HEALTH = 100 local function onTouchHealthPickup(otherPart, healthPickup) end In the function, get the character model from the parent of otherPart. Next, check to see if it has a Humanoid using FindFirstChildWhichIsA(). If it has a humanoid, set their Health property to ...
I’m trying to set the player’s Health to their MaxHealth upon respawn. For some reason, it prints that the value of Health is 200 (the desired value) but it is still set to 100 on the client and the server. My Code: game:GetService("Players").PlayerAdded:connect(function(player)p...
Set up First up, you'll need a part or a model to use as a pickup. TheShowdown Town example worldincludes plenty of health pickups spread all over the map. Each health pickup is a Union of two rectangular parts with a green PointLight inside. They're all stored in one fol...
In this example, we set the use a while true loop to toggle the state of the DevEnabledMouseLock property between true and false every 5 seconds. While this example has little practical use, it demos how to change the property via a LocalScript. Enabling a Player's Mouse Lock local Pl...
game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(Player) Player.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(Character) local Bar = game.ServerStorage:WaitForChild("Gui").HealthHolder.HealthBar local Holder = script.Parent local hp = 100 local mps = game:GetService("MarketplaceService") local function update...
build a fundamental programming skill set with lua, the official coding language of roblox, and design a game as you go. you’ll create a 3d landscape complete with unique challenges and custom mechanics that you’ll code yourself, like speed boosts or a variable score that’ll put your ...
virtualModel:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(spawnPoint.CFrame) --碰撞检测函数 localfunctiononTouched(part) localhumanoid=part.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") ifhumanoidthen --扣除玩家血量 humanoid.Health=humanoid.Health-1 end end --复制玩家并追踪功能 ...
rooms filled with deadly traps and supernatural forces. The game’s premise is simple: players must find a way to open each door in the room to advance to the next level. However, each door presents a new set of challenges and dangers, ranging from mind-bending puzzles to terrifying ...