function playAnimation(humanoid, animationId) local animation ="Animation") animation.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://"..tostring(animationId) humanoid.Animator:LoadAnimation(animation):Play() end playAnimation(someHumanoid, someAnimationId) Please do not ask people to write entire scripts...
Avatar TypeSets the defaultavatar typeto eitherR6,R15, orPlayer Choice. AnimationSets the default animation to eitherStandardorPlayer Choice. CollisionSets the collision type to either theOuter BoxorInner Box. ScaleForR15avatars, options to customize body type, height, width, head size, and propor...
humanoid.Running:Connect(function(speed: number) onRunning(speed) end) Seated This event fires when a Humanoid either sits in or gets up from a Seat or VehicleSeat. When a character comes into contact with a seat, they are attached to the seat and a sitting animation plays. For more...
-- The player will move until they are 50 studs away from the camera's position at the time of running localPlayer:Move(, 0, -50), true) SetAccountAge void Plugin Security The SetAccountAge function sets the Player.AccountAge of the player in days. It is used to set...
-- The player will move until they are 50 studs away from the camera's position at the time of running localPlayer:Move(, 0, -50), true) SetAccountAge void 外掛程式安全性 SetAccountAge 函數設置玩家在天數內的 Player.AccountAge。 它是用來設定 Player 屬性,用於描述玩家帳戶...
Avatar TypeSets the defaultavatar typeto eitherR6,R15, orPlayer Choice. AnimationSets the default animation to eitherStandardorPlayer Choice. CollisionSets the collision type to either theOuter BoxorInner Box. ScaleForR15avatars, options to customize body type, height, width, head size, and propor...
-- The player will move until they are 50 studs away from the camera's position at the time of running localPlayer:Move(, 0, -50), true) SetAccountAge void 插件安全性 SetAccountAge 函数设置玩家在天数内的 Player.AccountAge。 它用于设置 Player 属性,该属性描述玩家的帐户在...