for a better user experience, but the API returns the inverse value for compatibility with how the engine represents transparency. Similarly, ReducedMotion is referred to as Reduce Motion in the app for more consistency with other settings. ...
Sadly, we don’t have direct access to a visible property for models or folders. However, we can simulate this on the client by temporarily setting the parent property to nil. I use this trick to take entire zones and hide them if the player is not standing in them. Note: Deliberately ...
Setting up the final lighting in your scene early on can save you a lot of unnecessary work. You wouldn't be able to see surface details on the rings with our scene's final lighting so there was no need to spend the time putting them there!
Out- The motion will be faster at the beginning and slower toward the end. InOut-InandOuton the same tween, withInat the beginning andOuttaking effect halfway through. In- The motion will be slower at the beginning and faster toward the end. ...
If you're creating an image to use as a particle texture, it's best to use.pngformat with a transparent background. If your texture is grayscale with no alpha channel, try setting the particle emitter'sLightEmissionproperty to1to hide the darker regions. ...
To do this, we had to import the tree into Studio through the Custom Rig setting in the 3D Importer, then move/animate the mesh using the Animation Editor. We set up the materials and textures after these tests, but you can see the result below. The same hierarchy within Studio. After...