An open-source custom bootstrapper for Roblox Player that allows you to override files in Roblox Player's directory, opt into development branches of Roblox, and experiment with Fast Flags. Based and made using the the studio mod manager project by MaximumADHD found here:
number, }) local myPlayer = { Name = "TestPlayer", Score = 100 } print(IPlayer(myPlayer)) --> true print(IPlayer({})) --> false, "[interface] bad value for Name: string expected, got nil" You can use t.optional(check) to make an interface field optional or t.union(...) ...
An automated repository that extracts and displays information about the current version of Roblox. Most of the information is miscellaneous, but it provides insight to changes that are being made with each weekly release. - Roblox-Client-Tracker/FVariab