请在Explorer->ReplicatedStorage下添加一个“RemoteEvent”控件,如下图所示: 在Explorer->StarterPlayer->StarterPlayerScripts下添加一个“LocalScript”脚本 现在我们在刚添加的LocalScript脚本中添加逻辑,实现把赛车结果展示到我们在第20步添加TextLabel上 如下图所示(请认真阅读绿色注释部分,这将有助于理解代码逻辑):...
Create a variable for the Players service using game:GetService("Players"). Create a function called onPlayerAdded with a parameter for the incoming player. Connect the onPlayerAdded function to the PlayerAdded event. local Players = game:GetService("Players") local function onPlayerAdded(playe...
Player tools Hit detection with lasers Input and camera Feedback Tools are a simple way to manage items that the player can hold in their hand and use in-game. They can range from weapons such as swords to food items. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to create a tool in th...
SpawnLocation: SpawnLocation is the location that a player will appear when they first enter the world or when they die in the game. Without a designated place for a player to start, they might spawn in the middle of nowhere and fall to their doom, repeatedly. (“+” under “Workspace”...
No because this tutorial is incredibly useful and every game should take advantage of it. Not only that but you can view this code in an already amazingly structured open-source experience? Ok Roblox, we see you… Besides following the tutorial, I heavily suggest people to take a look at ...
Considering these requirements, you as a player can find a suitable Roblox game recorder to capture and share your gaming experiences effectively. So now is the time to go through the best four Roblox recorders you will surely use. Part 2: Best 5 Roblox Game Recorder You can record your Rob...
Players.Playername.PlayerGui.GameGui.GameController:96: attempt to index nil with 'Size' Here is the game controller script(The render part(96 line is local y) RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(function()iftowerToSpawnthenlocalresult = MouseRaycast({towerToSpawn})ifresultandresult.Instancethenifre...
Then we need to call the function so that it actually loads the players profile but first we’ll need to loop through all the players so that the script doesn’t load after other players have already joined the game. Then we need to listen for when the player leaves so that there are...
The simple solution is to add a quick game tutorial. Players will understand your game and interact with it more than if you don’t do this. 5. Using Too Many or Too Few Free Models Free models on Roblox are double-edged swords. You have to be careful not to use too many of them...
In this tutorial, a different pattern will be used to create a number of health pickups, with only a single copy of the script which determines the health pickup behavior. When the pickup is touched, it will restore the player's health, fade slightly and be disabled for a short period ...