GetPivot() 作为CFrame 对象的当前世界位置进行查询,返回对象在 3D 空间中的位置,无论是单个部分还是 Model。 PivotTo() 将对象移动到位置 CFrame ,以便其中心位置在指定的 Datatype.CFrame 上。这允许单个零件和模型之间的统一对象移动。 BasePart.PivotOffset Datatype.CFrame,用于指定偏移量;实际上是CFrame的...
將CFrame.Position設置在您想要零件在平台上的位置。 將CFrame.Orientation設置為你想要的旋轉方向。 重複此過程以其他平台上的零件。 整理指令碼 雖然您在項目中如何組織數據模型的方式有很大的彈性,但 Roblox 引擎期望某些對象位於特定 容器服務 內,以便模擬和渲染功能在伺服器和客戶端之間正常運行。 服務器 指向 ...
Returns approximate angles that could be used to generate the CFrame using Enum.RotationOrder.XYZ. ToEulerAnglesYXZ():number,number,number Returns approximate angles that could be used to generate the CFrame using Enum.RotationOrder.YXZ. ToOrientation():number,number,number Equivalent to CFrame:To...
local regrotation = turretgun.Orientation turretgun.CFrame = rot turretgun.Orientation =, regrotation.Y, turretgun.Orientation.Z) print(turretgun.CFrame) local turretxrot = TurretX.CFrame * movement – lets see how this works TurretX.CFrame = turretxrot...
If RelativeTo is set to Attachment1, torque will be applied relative to Attachment1 and, if the attachment rotates, change to match its orientation. Summary Properties RelativeTo:Enum.ActuatorRelativeTo Read Parallel The CFrame in which the torque is expressed. Torque:Vector3 Read Parallel The ...
Therotate modlfeature in Roblox is used to rotate a model or any part of the model in a 3D space. This allows you to dynamically alter the orientation and position of objects in the game world. Implementation To utilize therotate modlfeature in Roblox, you can use the following code snip...
("Right Arm") Tool.Handler.CFrame = Arm.CFrame if First == true then First = false Tool.Handler.Orientation =, 0, 0) end Tool.Handler.Motor6D.Part0 = Tool.Handler Tool.Handler.Motor6D.Part1 = Arm s.Looped = true s:Play() end) Tool.Activated:Connect(function...
box: Orientation, Size wirebox: Orientation, Size sphere: Position, Radius wiresphere: Position, Radius line: Position, Position arrow: Position, Position ray: Position, Direction gizmo.<type>.draw(...) -> void Renders the gizmo for a single frame gizmo.<type>.create(...) -> object Crea...
## BodyGyro `BodyGyro` attempts to keep a fixed orientation of the part relative to its `BodyGyro/CFrame` property. This means it will try to rotate the brick to match the rotation of the CFrame. BodyMover: Code Sample 6 ``` --Rotates the brick to stay at a rotation of CFrame....
diceModel:PivotTo(, 10, 0)) -- Assign the primary part before physical simulation -- Without this line, the script will always output the same thing and the bounding box of the model will not change orientation diceModel.PrimaryPart = diceTop -...