decal.Texture = "" -- roblox logo decal.Parent = part part.Parent = workspace local tween = TweenService:Create( decal,, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, Enum.EasingDirection.Out, -1, true), { Transparency = 1 } ) tween:...
One Piece Logo 9933991033 Kawaii Cat 1076805417 Dark Aesthetic Girl 10341849885 Bachira (Blue Lock) 11636146039 Anime Boy 8592618675 Umaru Anime Decal 8598068650 Kokomi (Genshin Impact) 11761637789 Eren (Attack on Titan) 6479589870 Shrek the Anime 1025976477 Bunny with Peach 2222586071 Blue Mob 1021844229...
After the code appears copy it and place it in the search box. Now the ID which is entered in the decal ID which is in the form of spray paint. Conclusion In today’s world, Roblox has become very popular and interesting among the audience and it has been designed with necessary new ...
local texture ="Texture") texture.Texture = "" -- roblox logo -- 1x1 studs repeating texture texture.StudsPerTileU = 1 texture.StudsPerTileV = 1Texture 应用程序的图像由其 Decal.Texture 属性决定。 图像可以上传到 Roblox,提供它们...
This function has a number of useful applications, including loading the latest description and logo of a group for display in a group base. Parameters groupId: number The group ID of the group. Returns Variant A dictionary of information about the group. Code Samples GroupService:GetGroupInfo...
To use the Decal IDs in any Roblox game, players need to buy the Spray Paint device from the shop for 350 Robux. Once bought, launch any Roblox game and click on the Spray Paint device. Here, enter the Decal ID and use the spray to paint it on any surface. Keep in mind the graph...