这就是在Roblox Studio中创建关闭按钮所需的全部步骤。通过遵循本教程,您可以向您的游戏添加一个更为专业的界面,并提供给用户一个可用的关闭选项。 # 代码片段 local closeBtn = script.Parent closeBtn.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() game.Players.LocalPlayer:Kick() end)...
Kick(message : string):void Forcibly disconnect a player from the game, optionally providing a message. Move(walkDirection : Vector3,relativeToCamera : bool):void Causes the player's character to walk in the given direction until stopped, or interrupted by the player (by using their controls)...
常规脚本 localmodule=require(script.Parent.ServerModule)localDataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService") game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(plr)localplrdata =module.GetDataStore(plr.UserId.."-inventory")ifplrdatathenifplrdata == {}thenplr:Kick("加载数据失败,请重新加入游戏")endelsep...
Here’s an example script to kickstart your experience with ScriptForge Pro: -- Example Lua script to demonstrate ScriptForge Pro usage print("Welcome to ScriptForge Pro!") wait(2) game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.Health = 0 Tags 🔖 Popular Tags: roblox scriptforge scriptforge-...
To get you started with learning script in Roblox studio, we’ve put together five of the bestRoblox scripttips that we can find, to kick off your scripting journey. Whether you prefer learning about script from video tutorials, communicating with other experienced Roblox developers, or working ...
localrig =script.Parent -- Create a new "Animation" instance and assign an animation asset ID localkickAnimation = Instance.new("Animation") kickAnimation.AnimationId ="rbxassetid://2515090838" -- Create a new "AnimationController" and "Animator" ...
Find Any Players Discord Script.lua Find Any Players Discord Script.lua Converted TXT to LUA Sep 7, 2020 Finish Obby (Make sure u in the factory obby).lua Finish Obby (Make sure u in the factory obby).lua Converted TXT to LUA Sep 7, 2020 Fire.lua Fire.lua Converted TXT to LUA Sep...
rankName end end end end return false end --Action Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(Player) local IsWhiteList = CheckIfWhiteList(Player) if IsWhiteList then print(Player.Name.." is in the whitelist with the rank "..IsWhiteList) else Player:Kick(Player.Name.." is not whitelist") end ...
My problem is if both scripts are deleted at the same time it won’t kick the player. My first thought was to have an authentication system, so the Anti-Delete script would fire a RemotEvent every second and if the server didn’t get a response for X amount of seconds it would kick...
:Kick – Kicks a player from the game :Fix – Fixes a broken script :Jail – Puts the player into jail :Unjail – Cancels the effects of Jail :Respawn – Brings a player back to life :Givetools – The player receives Roblox Starter Pack tools ...