Fix Textures{ "FFlagMSRefactor5": "False" }No Textures{ "FStringPartTexturePackTable2022": "{\"glass\":{\"ids\":[\"rbxassetid://9873284556\",\"rbxassetid://9438453972\"],\"color\":[254,254,254,7]}}", "FStringPartTexturePackTablePre2022": "{\"glass\":{\"ids\":[\"rbx...
StudioLocaleId:string 唯讀 未複製 平行讀取 The locale currently in-use by Studio, e.g. en_US. UseLocalSpace:bool 未複製 平行讀取 Determines whether Studio tools will use local space of an object or global space. 檢視繼承自Instance的所有項目 檢視繼承自Object的所有項目 方法 GetClassIcon(classN...
pluginMenu:AddNewAction("ActionB", "B", "rbxasset://textures/loading/robloxTilt.png") local subMenu = plugin:CreatePluginMenu(math.random(), "C", "rbxasset://textures/explosion.png") subMenu.Name = "Sub Menu" subMenu:AddNewAction("ActionD", "D", "rbxasset://textures/whiteCircle...
Fix Textures{ "FFlagMSRefactor5": "False" }No Textures{ "FStringPartTexturePackTable2022": "{\"glass\":{\"ids\":[\"rbxassetid://9873284556\",\"rbxassetid://9438453972\"],\"color\":[254,254,254,7]}}", "FStringPartTexturePackTablePre2022": "{\"glass\":{\"ids\":[\"rbx...
Image = "rbxasset://textures/ClassImages.png", ImageRectOffset =, 0), ImageRectSize =, 16) } The utility function below may prove useful when displaying class icons: local StudioService = game:GetService("StudioService") local imageLabel = script.Pare...
ImageIf hovering over a valid parent object like aBasePart, creates a newDecalinside that parent with itsTextureproperty preset to the asset ID. MeshInserts the asset as a newMeshPartin the workspace with itsMeshIdproperty preset to the asset ID. ...
Image If hovering over a valid parent object like a BasePart, creates a new Decal inside that parent with its Texture property preset to the asset ID. Mesh Inserts the asset as a new MeshPart in the workspace with its MeshId property preset to the asset ID. Audio Creates a new Sound ...