How to use IDs for data storage 11462025 年1 月 16 日 How do i detect if a player crouches in VR? help 162025 年1 月 16 日 Rotating the part around the player studio,scripting,help 0192025 年1 月 16 日 I don't understand this ...
indicating how the table should treat its keys and values in terms of weak references. The use of weak tables can be very helpful in specific scenarios, such as creating caches or associations where you want to avoid memory leaks and let the garbage collector manage the lifetime ...
You can use t.optional(check) to make an interface field optional or t.union(...) if a field can be multiple types. You can even put interfaces inside interfaces! local IPlayer = t.interface({ Name = t.string, Score = t.number, Inventory = t.interface({ Size = t.number }) })...
Magical code is really nice to use, until something goes wrong. Then nobody knows why it's broken or how to fix it. Metatables and getfenv/setfenv are examples of powerful features that should be used with care. Be consistent with idiomatic Lua when appropriate. Folder Structure Scripts sho...
This class is perfect for beginners. If you know how to use a computer and you're excited to create games, that's all you need. We'll start from the very beginning and learn together step by step. Each class will be tailored to your progress, but here's what you can typically expec...
Offline Documentation Browser, we useZeal Download the Offline Android Documentation All the files will point to the latest version available. Choose the mirror close to your area for faster dl: Android Offline Docs | Sanfrancisco Mirror Android.tgz ...
Using return, ‘Objects’ (or tables) that use similar functions (methods) can be quickly constructed without requiring an excessive repeat of code - adhering to the DRY principle.iGiDgames (Jason) 2021 年7 月 12 日 22:38 #5 Here’s another example of how it could be useful Let’s ...
I would probably do it by putting the 2 people in a table, and use a playerremoving/died event connected to each player and then once fired then remove the player from table and then you’ll know which player has won. You can use oop to make a table fire a function when a dictionar...
What is self and how can I use it? Scripting Support Assuming I have understood your post correctly, self is a Lua variable that is automatically assigned to when doing OOP related programming. In Lua there are two ways to call a method. someObject.Method() and someObject:Method() These...
Correct me if I am wrong, but couldn’t you use Object Values? For example, you push a key setting the keybind, the store the InputObject in an object value, then when referencing it you do ObjectValue.Value.KeyCodeCaleb9763 (Felix9763) 2023 年10 月 15 日 11:20 #16 just do this...