script.Parent.Parent.Parent local MouseFrame = Frame:WaitForChild("Mouse") local MyMouse = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer:GetMouse() local function PositionMouse() MouseFrame.Position =, MyMouse.X, 0.015, MyMouse.Y) end MyMouse.Move:Connect(function() PositionMouse() ...
local mouse = player:GetMouse() local camPos = camera.CFrame.Position local function onButton1Down() print("Mouse.Hit:", mouse.Hit.Position) print("camPos:", camPos) print("Mouse.Origin:", mouse.Origin.Position) print("Magnitude:", (mouse.Origin.Position - camPos).Magnitude) ...
Plugin:IsActivatedWithExclusiveMouse() , 如果这个插件当前使用独家鼠标时返回 true,后果过此函数的激活 Plugin.Unloading,即插件被卸载或重新加载时立即触发 参数 exclusiveMouse: bool 一个Boolean,指定是否使用独特的鼠标激活插件。如果是真的,一个 PluginMouse 可以通过 Plugin:GetMouse() 获取。 返回 voidCreate...
raycastParams.CollisionGroup ="StudioSelectable"-- To follow the convention raycastParams.BruteForceAllSlow =true-- So that parts with CanQuery of "false" can be selected localmouseLocation = UserInputService:GetMouseLocation() localmouseRay = Workspace.CurrentCamera:ViewportPointToRay(mouseLocation.X...
5. Once the click interval is set, head over to click repeat and specify the number of repetitions. Enter the exact value or check the box "Infinite (until stopped)" for unlimited clicks. 6. Now considering the click options, choose the mouse button that needs to be automated - left, ...
In order to get updated deltas for mouse inputs, you must instead reference an InputObject from an InputChanged callback, or call GetMouseDelta(). However, any InputObjects corresponding to touch inputs will have their delta and position updated every frame throughout their lifetime.See also...
How to Define a Pose Set a frame position for your pose by moving the scrubber bar with your mouse. Click on a rig component. Rotate the element whichever way you want. After this step, you’ll notice that the scrubber bar will indicate the creation of a new track. It will have a ...
local mouse = player:GetMouse() task.wait(0.3) local gui = script.Parent.M9Gui local lp = game.Players.LocalPlayer local txt = gui.FullFrame.TextLabel local handle = script.Parent.Handle local alwaysfp = false -- set this to true if you want to be in first person always ...
For example, if you want to open a door in the game, place your hand on the handle knob using the LMB and move the mouse in the forward/backward direction to open it. This is the most confusing mechanic and will require some time to get used to it. How to Drive in A Dusty Trip...
When using the Funky Driftlander left-click attack the players might get stuck in the dashing speed and direction, even if they had released the mouse. It does not matter whether or not the players equip another tool or weapon, they will still be in that exact direction and speed until ...