R6 到 R15 適配器會在化身重生時執行 Lua 指令碼儲存,以創建零件。這些是 R6 身體零件和 R15 身體零件的相同名稱的隱形 MeshParts ,它們與相應的 R15 身體零件焊接在一起。 指令允許適配器零件接受 R6 基礎的腳本互動並將它們前進到相應的 R15 零件。
The ControllerManager also needs to know when we’re in midair or on the ground so it can switch its ActiveController to either the AirController or the GroundController. We’ll raycast under the character, and if the raycast returns something (that isn’t the air) we’ll change the Activ...
This property controls the time, in seconds, it takes for a player to respawn when Players.CharacterAutoLoads is true. It defaults to 5.0 seconds. This is useful when you want to change how long it takes to respawn based on the type of your experience but don't want to handle spawning...
I would like to know how I can change that Animation Priority through a script.rabbi99 (Stellar) 2023 年2 月 27 日 02:07 #9 Doing LoadAnimation returns an AnimationTrack. You can use this to change the priority. function playAnimation(humanoid, animationId) local animation = Instance.new...
these are the best toys currently out there. Each Roblox toy has the potential of having their components mixed with other Roblox toys. Most toys’ arms are R6-like, while the legs have knees much like R15 avatars. Users wishing to imitate the motion of the Roblox toys on their own avata...
This example demonstrates how to set a Humanoid's Humanoid.DisplayerDistanceType, Humanoid.HealthDisplayDistance, and Humanoid.NameDisplayDistance properties. These properties determine how a humanoid's healthbar and name are rendered for a player. First, we change the DisplayDistanceType to Viewer usi...
This code sample demonstrates how to save a value before a changed event fires on it in order to get more information about a change. Old-to-New Values with Changed local part = Instance.new("Part") local currentColor = part.BrickColor local function onBrickColorChanged() local newCo...
This example demonstrates how to change the character's CameraMode to first person using the LockFirstPerson value of the Enum.CameraMode enum. Playing in First Person local Players = game:GetService("Players") local player = Players.LocalPlayer player.CameraMode = Enum.CameraMode.LockFirst...