Roblox12+ 成千上萬個體驗等您加入 Roblox Corporation #3(冒險) 4.5 • 12.2万 個評分 免費 提供App 內購買項目 螢幕截圖 iPhone iPad 描述 在Roblox 這個終極虛擬宇宙裡,您可以創作、分享及化身為您心目中的自己。我們的全球社群創作了數不盡的沉浸式世界,等著您和成千上萬名玩家一起探索!
local Players = game:GetService("Players") if shouldBeBanned(player) then local banHistoryPages = Players:GetBanHistoryAsync(player.UserId) local duration = getNextBanDuration(banHistoryPages) -- Creator-implemented logic local config: BanConfigType = { UserIds = {player.UserId}, Dur...
so they can't do things with gold coins. I think if you give us benefits, I believe that everyone will like this game more, and I will also believe and trust this game. This game will never disappear. Everyone will always like this game. So my last hope is the Spring Festival. Send...
And is definitely a good game platform. The Moderation is a bit bad at some times though. On one hand its really good. And then on the other hand you get banned for 1 day because you said „cry about it“ to someone who insulted you for something (reason for 4 stars instead of ...
The only way you could earn money on your Roblox game was to ham fist some Gamepasses which cost Robux into your game. Games like 'Adopt Me!' Have so many gamepasses that your ENTIRE screen gets flooded with pop ups asking for you to 'Buy this limited time only starter pack!' '...
Fortnite GamingGirl ChatGacha LifeHack GameChatNailsSims 4Kpop DanceFive Nights at Freddy’sFortnite MathTeen ChatManner EtiquettePC BuildHair BraidingAdulting 101 Home Economics Classes by Age 3 Year Olds4 Year Olds5 Year Olds6 Year Olds7 Year Olds8 Year Olds9 Year Olds10 Year Olds11 Yea...
That’s why Roblox now has its own Game mode to manage your own pizza shop! You must be quick to cook and deliver your orders to your customers, failing to do so will cost you points. If you love your cooking games you got to try this out! Will you be the cook the cashier or ...
local Players = game:GetService("Players") if shouldBeBanned(player) then local banHistoryPages = Players:GetBanHistoryAsync(player.UserId) local duration = getNextBanDuration(banHistoryPages) -- Creator-implemented logic local config: BanConfigType = { UserIds = {player.UserId}, Dur...
After the monster reveals itself, you’ve got limited time to outsmart the creature and exorcize the house before the creature gets to you first. 7. The Maze At the beginning of the game, the players start off on an open field with an RV parked nearby to the maze. ...
But I can still run my roblox if I ignore the error message, however if the game requires switching servers via teleport it'll crash like it's supposed to, anyone else have that issue? try removing the fastflag DFFlagVideoCaptureServiceEnabled Hey thanks for the potential solution, I gave ...