Setting the color can be done using a color picker in Studio. To do so, left click inside the () next to fromRGB. Then, click on the color wheel icon. Once you have a desired color, press OK to automatically add the color value in the code. local loopingPart = workspace.LoopingPart...
1 buzzingame 584 Coolshop_Maeve 226 dwrmplayz 324 Floridafun735 370 guapopalako 446 KDenGTR 79 T0msk123alt 68 thatboyshoty 114 XMrsRabbitX 145 xxtal4571 Price guide is limited to top traded items only. Islands is no longer updated by Easy.ggPrice guide is maintained by sellers in the ...
它与Mouse.WheelForward类似,无论用户的鼠标是否位于 GUI 元素上。 此事件仅作为轮子前进的指示发生。这意味着 x 和 y 坐标参数不会因此事件的发生而改变。这些坐标仅在鼠标移动时更改,这可以通过 GuiObject.MouseMoved 事件跟踪。 还请参阅: GuiObject.MouseEnter GuiObject.MouseLeave GuiObject.MouseMoved Gui...