Script Examples The following script will disable the aimbot temporarily: getgenv().Aimbot.Settings.Enabled=false You can also change the color of the FOV Circle: getgenv().Aimbot.FOVSettings.Color="50, 255, 70"--The colors must be fed as strings in RGB format. [(R)ed (0 - 255)...
local aimfov = 360 PLAYER = game.Players.LocalPlayer MOUSE = PLAYER:GetMouse() CC = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera ENABLED = false _G.FREE_FOR_ALL = false _G.BIND = 50 _G.CHANGE_AIM = 'gfdkdfvdgfdgccv' _G.AIM_AT = 'Head' function kill(a) local A_1 = { [1] = { ["RayOb...
Script Examples The following script will disable the aimbot temporarily: getgenv().Aimbot.Settings.Enabled=false You can also change the color of the FOV Circle: getgenv().Aimbot.FOVSettings.Color="50, 255, 70"--The colors must be fed as strings in RGB format. [(R)ed (0 - 255)...