Forgotten Memories is a survival horror experience created by Qubix Games. It is based on the 2014 hit series Five Nights at Freddy's, originally created by former game developer Scott Cawthon, who passed the series on to a trusted friend of his. In this
答案:“在聊天室中输入“A leg” 问题:Did you forget that you repressed your memories? 答案:Yes 问题:Do you know who I am? 答案:A forgotten memory 问题:How many players currently exist in this realm as of when I started asking this question? 答案:在克隆人问你这条问题时你的伺服器共有多...
答案:“在聊天室中输入“A leg”问题:Did you forget that you repressed your memories? 答案:Yes 问题:Do you know who I am? 答案:A forgotten memory 问题:How many players currently exist in this realm as of when I started asking this question? 答案:在克隆人问你这条问题时你的伺服器共有...
答案:“在聊天室中输入“A leg”问题:Did you forget that you repressed your memories? 答案:Yes 问题:Do you know who I am? 答案:A forgotten memory 问题:How many players currently exist in this realm as of when I started asking this question? 答案:在克隆人问你这条问题时你的伺服器共有...