local equipfp = false -- set this true if you want to go into first person while holding the gun local ret = false -- set this to false if you don't want a custom reticle and want to keep the default cursor local reticle = "rbxassetid://2130621557" -- change this to the reticl...
Glitch.exe If a player glitches out too much, their characters will become distorted and sometimes, the game itself. Gorbacabbage Can't See While one player can see a group of Gorbacabbage, other players are unable to see it. Immortal Being Mobs like the Apple Bat continues to live ...
Step2Once your gaming session has begun, you may zoom by using the wheel while moving ahead. Once again, if you scroll all the way down, this action will put you in first person perspective. Now all you have to do is use your cursor to scroll ahead to zoom in. Step3When the game's...