自保神器,可在抽屉或者医院骷髅房找到,能够驱逐Rush,Ambush,Dupe,Screech,Eyes,Halt(蓝色),能够拖住Seek,Figure的行动一会(蓝变红),一次性道具,对Rooms系列的怪物和以上以外的Doors实体都没用,触发方式是当实体攻击你时自动触发。 蜡烛 增强版打火机,当实体来临时会熄灭提示,在Rooms区域里无用。 新房间(区域) 有...
【rooms】边缘房间的a123的出场方式就像…… 一烈醉Yiliezui 857 0 终于到t区了(喜) EPR的D-35 2252 101 A-80和A-258被删现状 祝胜利之吻早日下架 1497 1 探讨doors地下 jvoebw 770 1 [通知] Alternative Rooms 将会永久开放,但是... Legend-survivor 1.0万 0 Roblox Doors关于Figure最全的介绍...
Mainly a shoutout to @8y8x and @Nolyswag for being the lead of this revamp and shoutout to the rest of the team who contributed even a little bit to move those runs in the new co Greuce 3 months ago DOORS UPDATE 4.1.2024 spamshot83 10 months ago DOORS UPDATE 3.15.2024 spamshot83...
doors隐藏房间rooms 只看楼主收藏回复 贴吧用户_GNE8SG4 guest 1 有没有大佬知道doors的隐藏房间rooms都有哪些怪啊,我想了解一下准备打A-1000 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2023-02-02 02:35回复 是依托答辩呀 playgame 2 就A-60 A-90 A-120 来自Android客户端2楼2023-02-02 12:36 回复 ...
Image via official DOORS wiki Each time that Rush is set to spawn, there's a very low chance thatAmbushwill spawn in its place. Like Rush, Ambush will make the lights flicker, create a distorted noise before it appears, and run through all of the nearby hallways/rooms. Unlike Rush, how...
roblox菜单模组是最近很多玩家都在玩的冒险游戏,有着众多的游戏玩法,探索玩家自由创建的多种身历其境的世界,比于其他我的世界、泰拉瑞亚、饥荒,更加具有独特游戏风格,有兴趣的玩家快来下载体验吧。 游戏特色: 1、建造的乐趣 这个世界的样子由你来定义,是摩登都市,还是童话王国,亦或者是园林城市等等; ...
罗布乐思roblox国际服最新版2023是一款沙盒建造玩法的模拟经营游戏,在这里为玩家提供了广阔的无限大世界,在游戏中玩家可以创建自己的角色,为他赋予各种属性特征,在这里经历不一样的生活,感兴趣的朋友赶快来下载吧! 罗布乐思(Roblox)国际版介绍 沙盒类模拟建设类手游,游戏有着广大的世界,非常美妙绝伦。花费多少时间才能...
Sandcastle - Does not do anything. Between the sand dunes and a hill. Arnold - 2 buildings right from the bank found at the town. The building is a red 2-story building, on the top-left window there should be a shadow of Arnold from the late 90's Nicktoon "Hey Arnold!". ...
Players are initially separated by a pair of metal doors, which can only be opened by activating the power in the power room. If the players all go down on one side of the metal doors, any players on the other side of the metal doors will be physically unable to revive them. Once ...