ClickDetector allows Scripts and LocalScripts to receive pointer input on 3D objects through their MouseClick event. They work when parented to BasePart, Model, or Folder objects. They detect basic mouse events: enter, leave, left click and right click. Touch input on TouchEnabled devices also...
ClickDetector大多数的ClickDetector事件在客户端和服务器上都会触发,包括ClickDetector/MouseClick|MouseClick、ClickDetector/MouseHoverEnter|MouseHoverEnter、ClickDetector/MouseHoverLeave|MouseHoverLeave和ClickDetector/RightMouseClick|RightMouseClick等输入事件。 ***Roblox官方链接:Roblox 主从架构...
clickDetector.Parent = part -- toggle the sound playing / not playing clickDetector.MouseClick:Connect(function() if not sound.IsPlaying then part.BrickColor ="Bright green") sound:Play() else part.BrickColor ="Bright red") sound:Stop() end ...
Then you can help a click detector or proximity prompt for the player to press once they have a certain tool. The script will check if the player has the tool. If you have any specific code your having trouble with, lmk.Nabilekes (Nabi) 2022 年10 月 6 日 00:18 #4 I have this...
inside of that group is a ClickDetector and a Script and then all the blocks the house is made of… I thought the script would run when the house is spawned but it doesn’t run at all, like, ever. It ran only when I put the house in the workspace before play testing. I think ...
In Roblox, a comparableSpringyFireballmodel in the Explorer window might look something like this: Model |- ParticleEmitter |- MeshPart |- SpringConstraint |- ClickDetector | |- Script LocationDescription WorkspaceRepresents the game world. Only runs server scripts. This location works well for sc...
In Roblox, a comparableSpringyFireballmodel in the Explorer window might look something like this: Model |- ParticleEmitter |- MeshPart |- SpringConstraint |- ClickDetector | |- Script Location Matters LocationDescription WorkspaceRepresents the game world. Only runs server scripts. This location wo...
Bind a Enum.KeyCode that can be used with a Enum.UserInputType to activate ClickDetector events, Tools, and GuiButtons. When the given key/button is pressed, it fires the Mouse.Button1Down event on the mouse sent to Tool.Equipped. This in turn fires the Tool.Activated event if Tool.Man...
MouseClick(playerWhoClicked : Player):RBXScriptSignal Fires when a player interacts with the parent of a ClickDetector or DragDetector. MouseHoverEnter(playerWhoHovered : Player):RBXScriptSignal Fires when the parent of a ClickDetector or DragDetector is hovered over by a player. MouseHoverLeave...
Vowel Detector local textBox = script.Parent local function hasVowels(str) return str:lower():find("[aeiou]") end local function onTextChanged() local text = textBox.Text -- Check for vowels if hasVowels(text) then textBox.TextColor3 =, 0, 0) -- Black ...