Script - Disable Character Collisions localPhysicsService =game:GetService("PhysicsService") localPlayers =game:GetService("Players") PhysicsService:RegisterCollisionGroup("Characters") PhysicsService:CollisionGroupSetCollidable("Characters","Characters",false) ...
["Enable Limb Collisions"]=true, ["Disable Torso Collisions"]=false, ["R15 To R6"]=true, ["Godmode"]=false} })Nullware.Button({Text="Reanimate",Callback=function()ifnotgetgenv()["NullwareAPI"]thenlocaloptions=ReanimateConfiguration:GetOptions()options["Hats To Align"]={"All"}options...
Animations = true, WaitTime = 0.22, TeleportOffsetRadius = 20, NoCollisions = true, AntiVoiding = true, SetSimulationRadius = true, DisableCharacterScripts = true, AccessoryFallbackDefaults = true, OverlayFakeCharacter = false, Hats = nil, -- Set to nil if you want to use defaults. } lo...
But what if i made a free and premium version where in free version particles don’t have collisions. Well you would still have particles, but what’s the point of having a Collideable Particles Module if you wouldn’t have collisions? That is just dumb. But what if i made free version...
Well you would still have particles, but what’s the point of having a Collideable Particles Module if you wouldn’t have collisions? That is just dumb. But what if i made free version have collisions, but the particles wouldn’t be able to collide with eachother? It sound ok. If i...
Well you would still have particles, but what’s the point of having a Collideable Particles Module if you wouldn’t have collisions? That is just dumb. But what if i made free version have collisions, but the particles wouldn’t be able to collide with eachother? It sound ok. If it...