In addition, it also removes the T-Shirt Decal on the player's torso. The character's body part colors and face will remain unchanged. This method does nothing if the player does not have a Character. It does not remove t-shirts, head meshes, or faces. Returns void Code Samples How...
i'm making a game and i wanna put your roblox character in it. could you upload your roblox char texture as a decal and send me the link? here's a tutorial on youtube if you don't know how to do it. Users would go to Youtube and follow instructions where they'd type in a br...
Transparent objects via Part.Transparency can cause unexpected extra drawcalls. Unique TextureIds/DecalIds on texture and decal instances count as their own materials, and will create their own drawcalls. SurfaceGuis and BillboardGuis can chew up drawcalls very quickly. (Use their built-in distanc...
Glow (Decal) (optional) — Appears on the hit surface fully opaque, then rapidly gets more transparent, like a glowing effect on the surface that fades quickly. Useful for things like showing a glowing red mark where explosives hit. BulletHole (Decal) (optional) — Appears on the hit ...
In addition, it also removes the T-Shirt Decal on the player's torso. The character's body part colors and face will remain unchanged. This method does nothing if the player does not have a Character. It does not remove t-shirts, head meshes, or faces. Returns void Code Samples How...