✅ Roblox screen flickering with custom cursor:I've had an issue for a long time in roblox that anytime a roblox game uses a cursor that isn't the default cursor my screen will flicker black. I use...
Studio gives you the power to create custom widgets and use them as Studio tools and extensions. These widgets behave as custom windows/panels in Studio, and you can dock them inside of your interface or have them float as separate windows. Create widget UIs All Studio widgets begin as DockW...
Use Custom Mods to revert to classic Roblox visuals from 2017, change the mouse cursor, and apply old sounds. You can even disable the desktop app. For best Fast Flag settings, adjust FPS, hide GUIs, and adjust display scaling. For the best visual experience, choose the “Future (Phase ...
Studio gives you the power to create custom widgets and use them as Studio tools and extensions. These widgets behave as custom windows/panels in Studio, and you can dock them inside of your interface or have them float as separate windows. Create widget UIs All Studio widgets begin as ...
Visible = true -- Show Core GUI elements and mouse cursor StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.All, true) UserInputService.MouseIconEnabled = true end end) -- Bind function to GUI button teleportButton.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() -- Hide button, Core GUI, and mouse ...
So I tried to make a custom cursor by disabling the default one so that the default hover curser doesn’t show up when I’m hovering over a TextButton.Here is the script:The problem is that the new cursor image appears directly below the mouse, even when I tried to set the anchor...
local ret = false -- set this to false if you don't want a custom reticle and want to keep the default cursor local reticle = "rbxassetid://2130621557" -- change this to the reticle you want local reticleHM = "rbxassetid://2167171797" -- change this to the hit marker you want ...
The following code pattern shows how theTouchedevent can be connected to a customonTouched()function. Note that the event sends theotherPartargument to the function, indicating the other part involved in the collision. Part Collision localWorkspace =game:GetService("Workspace") ...
Use descriptive script names that capture the overall intent of what each script does. For example, name a scriptSyncCustomSoundsinstead of justSounds. Assign descriptive names for parameters, functions, and scripts. For example, name a partGreenSphereinstead of simplygrs, or name a functiongenerat...
2024-10-24T15:13:48Z [Bootstrapper::ApplyModifications] content\fonts\CustomFont.ttf has been copied to the version folder 2024-10-24T15:13:48Z [Bootstrapper::ApplyModifications] content\sounds\ouch.ogg has been copied to the version folder ...