head.Size = Vector3.new(2, 1, 1) head.Parent = character local headMesh = Instance.new("SpecialMesh") headMesh.Scale = Vector3.new(1.25, 1.25, 1.25) headMesh.MeshType = Enum.MeshType.Head headMesh.Parent = head local face = Instance.new("Decal") face.Name = "face" ...
turtle head By CrazyNova123 Price 65 Unrecognizable Doll Makeup By asaqin Price 75 Masked By ryndragon Price Off Sale MeshPartAccessory By State of Mind ~ Price Off Sale Danish Life Jaeger Epaulette (Left Arm) By wuyuehao Price 55 Spoon with Bow By Tycoon Company Price 135 mil ...
Apple mask 2.0 is a Roblox UGC Limited Hat created by the user 1e_af. It is currently unavailable for purchase. Created Jun 12, 2024, it has 73 favorites and its asset ID is 17829002291.
Some stores, such as Spoiled in this image, rig for as many as nineteen or twenty mesh body variations! This is INSANITY, and yet new mesh bodies and add-ons multiply in Second Life. So, I wouldn’t be surprised in the slightest that Mishi of the House of Blueberry, and whoever is...
--> CharacterMesh removed from character --> Hat removed from character --> Shirt removed from character DistanceFromCharacter number The DistanceFromCharacter Player function returns the distance between the character's head and the given Vector3 point. It returns 0 if the player has no Playe...
Egg Hunt: The Great Yolktales was the ninth annual Egg Hunt event that started on March 28, 2018, and ended April 20. For this egg hunt, players had to find eggs across different worlds. Certain eggs could be found at random, while others were earned by
Star Orb Necklace [1.0] is a Roblox UGC Neck Accessory created by the group Caithedyaz nietre Nisounne. It's for sale for 55 Robux. Created Feb 13, 2024, it has 158 favorites and its asset ID is 16353373055.
MeshPart Message MessagingService Model ModuleScript Motor Motor6D MotorFeature Mouse MouseService MultipleDocumentInterfaceInstance NegateOperation NetworkClient NetworkMarker NetworkPeer NetworkReplicator NetworkServer NetworkSettings NoCollisionConstraint NotificationService NumberPose NumberValue Object ObjectValue Open...
LEVEL 4 scp card is a Roblox UGC Front Accessory created by the group Culprits1's #SaveRoblox & UGC Group. It's for sale for 55 Robux. Created Jan 31, 2023, it has 1,290 favorites and its asset ID is 12339027489.
A Blocky character model with an animatable head and a full body cage. Download Lola A skinned R15 character created from the Skinning a Humanoid Model guide. Since this reference model doesn't yet have inner and outer cage mesh data, this model can't equip layered clothing or accessories. ...