I keep getting this error code in the developer console. When I get this error my character will look like how it is in the screenshot. Something else to note is the fact that sometimes the glider will work as intended and sometimes the error will happen. The screenshot below is the gl...
Egg Hunt: The Great Yolktales was the ninth annual Egg Hunt event that started on March 28, 2018, and ended April 20. For this egg hunt, players had to find eggs across different worlds. Certain eggs could be found at random, while others were earned by
game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(plr) plr.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(char) local M6D = Instance.new("Motor6D", char.Torso) M6D.Name = "ToolGrip" char.ChildAdded:Connect(function(child) if child:IsA("Tool") and child:FindFirstChild("BodyAttach") then M6D.Part0 = char.Torso...